
Sustainability has become quite a buzzword lately, but it’s such an important topic. As an individual, trying to make better choices for the planet has become one of the guiding principles in my day-to-day life. It’s important to stress that most environmental harm comes from major global corporations, not individuals just going about their normal lives, but we can still take small steps to reduce our own impact and improve the areas where we live. As an artist and business owner, it’s even more important to consider where and how I source my materials and products, so that I can make a positive impact on the world.

Here are some of the ways I try to be more sustainable in my business:

  • I reuse and repurpose materials whenever I can - fabric from worn out clothing, yarn from old sweaters, imagery from magazines and books

  • I get many of my supplies second hand, from thrift stores or gifted from friends and family

  • I reuse shipping and packing materials whenever possible, and try to avoid plastic if I’m able to

  • I try to shop local as much as possible, or if I have to purchase online, I try to buy in bulk to lessen how often I have to reorder

  • I try to use what I have before purchasing something new

Small actions can still have an impact, and so I am building my business in a way that allows me to create things that I love while also lessening my impact on the environment. I’m always looking for new ways I can be more sustainable, so I would love any tips or ideas you might have. Comment, email, or DM me and we can chat!


Happy New Year!